Be one of our Partner Brands.

Looking for Physical Store to feature your cool products?

If you are a starting brand, this might be a good option for you and your brand to let more people know about your Brand's products and get more SALES.

We can accomodate any apparel items/products

Shirts, Jackets, Shorts, Caps, and anything you can think of...

Read more below

Accesible Location - Foot Traffic

We are located along main road of M.Jimenez Street going to Pasig Wet Market

  • 4 schools nearby
  • Factories nearby
  • 2 Resto Bar beside the store
  • Main business location in the area

Secured Area

We have installed CCTV Cameras within the vicinity of the shop. We also do not allow persons to come in with face covered.

  • 1 CCTV inside the store
  • 2 CCTVs outside the store
  • Helmets, Sunglasses, Tube Mask, Caps
    are removed before entering the store

Storage Space

Get ready to stock up on all your favorite items in our expansive online store!

  • You may bring in as many stocks as you can.
  • Maximum allowed products in a rack is up to 10 products only.